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26. Pony Express Rider

Mural Depiction
This mural on the south window slider of the Benson Museum is sponsored by Benson Pony Express. In celebration of the annual Butterfield Stage Days held the second weekend of October, the Pony Express re-creates a mail run from Benson to Dragoon.
Background Information
Since a stagecoach trip would be terribly inefficient and difficult to do with our modern transportation, the Pony Express commemorates the history of the stage coach that was such an integral part of Benson's history. During the Butterfield Days celebration the Pony Express riders re-enact the route of the Butterfield Overland Stage from Benson to Dragoon, the next stop on the Overland Stage route.
Mural Information
Artist: Doug Quarles
Size: 8' x 6'
Completed: February 2013
Benson Pony Express
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