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Circle K Rendering

This is the proposed mural on the wall next to the Circle K on 4th Street. It is an attempt to capture a history of the Arizona Territory. The Mescalero Apaches were already here when Francisco Vasquez de Coronado traveled through the San Pedro Valley. Later Hispanic settlers came into the area starting the city of Tucson. With the influx of settlers traveling to California around 1850 because of the gold rush conflict with the Apaches was inevitable. To protect the settlers traveling to California Buffalo Soldiers were stationed at Ft. Huachuca to patrol and secure the safety of travelers.  


There are 3 frames to this mural:


  • On the left is a representation of Mescalero Apaches done in sepia tones shown with a background of the Dragoon Mountains.

  • On the right also in sepia are Buffalo Soldiers in the San Pedro Valley

  • In the center done in color is a representation of pioneer families coming into Arizona.


This mural will be approximately 80 feet long and 8 feet high. We are in the planning stages and looking for sponsors, also requesting grants. No date is set for the completion of this mural. We are happy that more of our local merchants are coming forward and asking to have murals placed on the walls of their building. 




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